Human rights commitment
Compliance We are committed to complying with all applicable local, national, and international human rights laws and recognized standards, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the International Bill of Rights, and the ILOs Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Diversity and inclusion We are committed to maintaining an inclusive environment where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. We uphold the principle of non-discrimination, ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, and work towards mitigating unconscious bias. Vulnerable groups We recognize the importance of paying special attention to the rights and needs of vulnerable groups within society, such as indigenous communities. We commit to responsibly engage with groups our operations may affect through free, transparent, and proactive consultation processes, ensuring that we identify and address any potential negative impacts. Safe and healthy workspaces We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment and strive towards zero accidents, injuries, and other work-related ill-health. Fundamental labor rights We are committed to protecting labor rights and ensuring fair working hours for all direct employees and throughout our supply chain. We maintain a zero tolerance stance on child labor and the exploitation of young workers, and we strictly prohibit forced labor in all our direct and indirect operations. Freedom of expression We are committed to fostering a workplace that supports freedom of speech, safe whistleblower practices, the right to strike, and the right to form or join a trade union. Privacy rights We are committed to protecting personal data and ensuring that privacy is respected in accordance with international standards and best practices. Supply chain engagement We are committed to upholding the highest human and labor rights standards within our supply chain by actively engaging and collaborating with suppliers and business partners to cultivate environments that prioritize safety, fairness, and equality. Moreover, we are vigilant about environmental issues related to our operations and supply chains, particularly hose that could significantly affect communities, and we work to identify, mitigate, and address such impacts. Human rights due diligence We are committed to regularly and systematically identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating human rights risks and impacts using a risk-based approach across our value chain,including our own operations and supply chain. Communication We commit to transparently report on how we address human rights impacts, including detailing outcomes and planned future initiatives, both within our organization and to external shareholders. Supply chain due diligence Executive summary This report outlines the due diligence measures Royal Stones. has undertaken to ensure responsible and ethical practices throughout its supply chain. It demonstrates the company’s compliance with international standards and industry regulations, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs), the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), and the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Code of Practices. The report highlights key steps taken to identify, mitigate, and prevent risks related to human rights abuses, environmental harm, and unethical business practices within the supply chain. Purpose and commitment Royal Stones. is committed to responsible sourcing and sustainability. This due diligence report is part of our broader effort to:
Scope of the report This report covers all materials sourced by Royal Stones., including:
It applies to all suppliers, contractors, and third parties engaged in the supply chain. Due diligence process Risk identification
Risk areas addressed
Corrective actions and improvements
Conclusion Royal Stones. remains dedicated to achieving the highest standards of responsible sourcing and ethical supply chain practices. This report demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement and transparency, ensuring that our products contribute positively to society and the environment. Social impact report 2025 Royal Stones. is a jewelry design, manufacturing, and wholesale company. This policy reconfirms our commitment to respect human rights and avoid contributing to the finance of conflicts and compliance with all relevant UN sanctions, resolutions, and laws. Royal Stones. is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) and is currently going through the initial assessment process. This is expected to be completed during the in Q2 2025. As such, we committed to demonstrating, through independent third-party verification, that we respect human rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labor Organization Fundamental Rights at Work and, as such, we:
We shall send out yearly our information gathering forms to our suppliers. We commit to working with uncompliant suppliers who are committed to changing their business practices to adhere to our compliance standards in a reasonable and timely manner. If noncompliant suppliers are unwilling or unable to meet our standards, we will discontinue further business with them. Any concerns any person has with Royal Stones. or any of our business partners can address them anonymously through our grievance system and process. Regarding serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport, or trade of diamonds and colored gemstones, we will neither tolerate nor profit from, contribute to, assist, or facilitate the commission of:
We will immediately stop engaging with upstream suppliers if we find a reasonable risk that they are committing abuses described above or linked to any party committing these abuses. Regarding direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, our suppliers only purchase diamonds that are fully compliant with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and, as such, will not tolerate direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, including, but not limited to, procuring diamonds from, making payments to, or otherwise helping or equipping non-state armed groups or their affiliates who illegally:
We shall immediately stop engaging with upstream suppliers if we find a reasonable risk that they are sourcing from, or are linked to, any party providing direct or indirect support to nonstate armed groups. Regarding bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of diamonds or colored gemstones we will not offer, promise, give or demand bribes, and will resist the solicitation of bribes, to conceal or disguise the origin of diamonds or colored gemstones, or to misrepresent taxes, fees, and royalties paid to governments for the purposes of extraction, trade, handling, transport, and export of diamonds. Money laundering: We shall support and contribute to efforts to eliminate money laundering where we identify a reasonable risk resulting from, or connected to, the extraction, trade, handling, transport or export of diamonds or colored gemstones. Employment: Compliance is ensured at all times, with applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws and regulations with respect to employment and labor. We shall ensure that wages and benefits for a standard working week shall meet at least national minimum standards and shall be sufficient to meet the basic needs of workers and provide some discretionary income. Health & safety: Royal Stones. recognizes the need to develop sustainable, value creating business and is committed to the following:
Human rights: All employees in the Company’s facilities will be treated with equality, respect, and dignity. Royal Stones. shall not interfere in the right of employees to observe tenets or practices based on caste, race, national origin, gender, religion, disability, union membership, or political affiliation. We strongly discourage any form of sexually coercive, threatening, abusive, or exploitative behavior. Any reported incidents relating to direct or indirect physical, sexual, racial, religious, psychological, verbal, or any other form of harassment or abuse, or any other form of intimidation or degrading treatment will not be tolerated by the company. Annual sexual harassment trainings will be given to all employees. Non-discrimination & disciplinary practices: Any form of discrimination relating to the hiring, discharge, pay, promotion, and training of employees on the basis of race, caste, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, HIV status, migrant status, membership of worker representative bodies, political affiliations, or any criteria that are unlawful is strongly discouraged by the Company and any such reported incidents will be viewed as a serious violation of its business principles. We shall assure all employees who come forward in good faith to report issues, that they will be treated fairly and respectfully. Child labor: Royal Stones. does not engage in, or support the use of child labor and, as such, no child labor shall be employed at our organization. Forced & inhumane labor: The management of Royal Stones. is fully committed to ensuring that forced or involuntary labor is not practiced in any form at any of its facilities or facilities it does business with. Any reported incidents relating to forced labor shall be considered as a serious violation of this policy and against international law . Examples of behavior that falls into the category of forced and inhumane labor are:
Environment: Royal Stones. is committed to effective environmental management as one of its important corporate priorities, and will focus on the following initiatives:
Product security: Royal Stones. is committed to provide safety of product throughout its supply chain by following precautions as mentioned below:
Metal sourcing policy: Royal Stones. is concerned about the environment and social impacts of irresponsible mining. We ensure to the best of our ability that all our suppliers comply with sourcing guidelines. Further, we here by certify that all gold is fair mined. We certify and independently audit that all gold supplies are in accordance with the RJC Chain of Custody Standard for precious metals, OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, or world gold council conflict free standard. That none of the metal in our products are being sourced from Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas. Anti-money laundering & terrorism financing: Royal Stones. recognizes that the fact that entities in the gem and jewelry sector have to take on the onus of analyzing their potential vulnerabilities to money laundering and implement specific steps that are required for protection against abuse by criminals. Strict compliance is ensured at all times, with all applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws, and regulations with respect to money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, facilitation payments, corruption, smuggling, embezzlement, fraud, racketeering, transfer pricing, and tax evasion. We follow a documented due diligence system and process. Diamond sourcing - Kimberley Process & System of Warranties: Royal Stones. is fully committed to complying with all the requirements specified in the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme and World Diamond Council’s System of Warranties Declaration. The definition of “Conflict Gemstone Diamonds” as agreed by the Kimberly Process has been adopted and declarations are received from suppliers and issued to all customers. Gemstone sourcing: Royal Stones. is concerned about the environment and social impacts of irresponsible gemstone mining. We ensure to the best of our ability that all our suppliers follow responsible sourcing guidelines. We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to ensure that no gemstones are being supplied from Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas. Anti-bribery & facilitation payments: Royal Stones. shall ensure complete prohibition of bribery facilitation payment across organization and in all entities and that this is also not allowed under IS law. We shall not offer, accept, or countenance any payment, gift, in kind, hospitality, and expense or promises as such that may compromise promises of fair competition. Periodic training and awareness shall be carried out to educate employees about various types of bribery and facilitation payments. OECD due diligence: Our KYC supplier information form is combined with our Supply Chain Due Diligence, Human Rights Policy, Precious Metal and diamond ethical sourcing policy. We have integrated the 5 step process into our management system and as such are normal and routine processes that are adhered to. Royal Stones. |